
'I wanted to voice a big thank you to Anja and her dream coaching here and let others know about her work. I had a single session on a powerful dream and it felt transformative – a way to honour the deep meanings of the dream and to use it to fuel the next stage of my life. Anja’s consummately safe, wise and healing presence created just the right conditions for me to hear myself. I recommend her work whole-heartedly.' R.B - Sussex

My coaching sessions with Anja were so useful. I had a particular piece of work that I was seeking movement and accountability for and that worked very well. We also explored other deeper, more transformational spaces which were held so beautifully and resulted in the special kind of clarity that only great coaching delivers. I would recommend Anja any day. Thank you! S.B - Ireland

 The session with the "Ideal Day" had the greatest effect on me, it carries me gently to this day and I'm sure it will continue to do so for a long time to come. I copied the key sentences that you sent me via email. I drew the vision and reinforced it by telling important people about it. I can reconnect to it quickly.  Thank you very much for these enriching experiences. T.J - Germany

 In only a few sessions Anja showed me how honest, gentle enquiry can change confusion to clarity; fear and scarcity into peace and willingness. She made me feel safe, held, cared for and alive. J.P - Sussex

Anja has a soft depth of presence that holds in love and heart, alongside the skills and tools of the work. Beautiful!!

D.C - Warwickshire

I felt very held and safe working with Anja. She had a wonderful way of picking up the key points/issues and allowing me to work through them myself. I felt like I was guided and had an outside perspective without any manipulation or agenda. Her calm presence brought the clarity I so deeply needed to see through all my self doubt to what I really want for myself. I also had the privilege of having a massage with Anja which I feel really complimented the on line work and brought a greater feeling of support and connection to myself. Thank you Anja! M.G - Sussex

Thank you Anja for helping me find clarity and courage in the issue we looked into. I feel more confident and calm. Your questions, safety and presence helped me gain a new perspective and alloed me to look at my situation more clearly and to let go of some ideas of myself and others so I can move forward. With your wisdom you helped me connect the past with the present in oder to move into the future.

G.H - Sussex

Through her insightful posing of intensely challenging and thought provoking questions, Anja enabled me to shine a light on my inner shadows and illuminate fundamental root causes underpinning this darkness. Not only did she enable that darkness to be dispersed, but she supported me beautifully in permanently integrating and anchoring those changes so that they are permanent. My coaching sessions with her were truly life changing, they lifted veils on issues and trauma I had been with since a child, which no other therapists had ever been able to come close to. The way she works alongside nature was absolutely beautiful and enabled deeper longer lasting change than I have ever experienced, across multiple levels of my being. Working with Anja was a blessing beyond words and I will forever be grateful for having crossed paths with her. S.W - Sussex